Well, well, well - let's see I established goals for my new year back in August. I'd say it's time to take stock in how I am measuring up, wouldn't you?
Goal: Be home at a decent hour; Grade: C
Ok so I am better at this than I was, say, last October but not nearly where I want or need to be. However, just today- this morning at 6:00, I found even more motivation to stay committed to this goal---
Wesley asked if I would be home when he got home. I answered that most likely I would be. The following conversation ensued-
Wesley: Oh...I was hoping you wouldn't be.
Me: Whaaaaaatt, why? Don't you like it when I meet you at the door and begin to bombard you with all kinds of questions and ideas about what you need to start working on (chores, homework, studying for a test, etc.)?
He laughed even though he and I both knew it was the truth. Then said, "No, it is just that when you aren't here when I get home, I can do whatever I want and if I want to leave, I don't have to check in with you."
Oh hell no- no 16 year old young man needs to be able to do "whatever he wants without checking in" with his Mama.
Goal 2: Keep up with grading; Grade A
Isn't it ironic that I HATE placing a grade on work but am using a grading system to rate myself in maintaing the goals I set??? What the hell is wrong with me? A grade, REALLY? I honestly have no idea what a grade means...does it mean I have met a standard? worked hard at meeting a standard? Whatever-- the remainder of my goals will not be graded.
Goal 3: End with as much steam as I began with
I'd say that I have maintained this energy. After a little more than a week at the coast with 40 20-23 year olds, I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to recover and NO, I did not try to act like a 20-23 year old! Ahhhhhh to be 20 something again.
Crap--you know you are getting old when you say shit like this. Note to self- never, ever, ever, ever, say out loud or even worse put in writing that you would even consider being 20-something again...
Goal 4: Maintain a routine for eating, sleeping and exercising
Geeeeeeezussssss--the only routine I have kept is the one for eating. BUT I did talk today about exercising. That has to count for something, right???? Maybe I'll replace eating with sleeping and exercising...ya know when I want to eat, go to sleep or go exercise.
Clearly, I am still working on this ...
Goal 5: Submit 2 articles
YAY- have submitted 1 and am waiting to hear, only 1 more. BUT I have about 6 in my head that I need to get on the paper.
Goal 6: Hang out with the BFF
No- this has not happened enough. I am thinking it is going to get better though. Last week we pretended to be sisters for a discount membership at local business...OMG, see that is another sign of being middle-aged...Yes, who doesn't want to save 20 bucks? But she and I both probably blow 20 bucks on something a lot less significant. We did consider representing ourselves as a couple and I have to say that if I was to ever have a girlfriend or wife, that I'd want it to be her! When we were 20-something we never made this commitment to each other but we did agree that if by a certain age (and I can't remember what age that was) we weren't married or had children that we would get artificially inseminated together. Yeah...we gotta hang out more.
Goal 7: See my nephews
I have seen them each week but I think one of them "unfriended" me on facebook! Whaaaaaaaattt?? I am cool...I can't imagine why on earth he wouldn't want his aunt stalking his facebook page (if you know me, you know I being very sarcastic here) haha---I see this as a good thing. He is independent and it is OK!
Speaking of independence...I have always wanted and tried really hard to intentionally get my kids to be independent and to question things going on around them in school, home, life-- everywhere. I think this is important. I want my children to know how to question and be critical of some of the stupid things people do. Ironically, the only place that I've seen these qualities not really appreciated is in schools...I am floored that more teachers are offended when Wesley or Cameron exercise their abilities to question the teacher.
Don't get me wrong--I don't promote disrespect. In fact what I do promote is that they (Wes and Cam) look at things from the perspective of others and to respectfully ask questions. listen to rationales and suggest alternatives to whatever it is that they don't agree with. I don't get it. I always love it when my students have been thoughtful enough to raise questions and suggest an alternative. I am convinced that this is a necessary life skill!
Tonight while trying to really understand more about this, I asked Cameron: "Why do you want your teachers to listen to you. His answer: Mom, I have power with my words.
I'll let you think on that one for a bit.
Remember: By words we learn thought and by thought we learn life. -Jean Baptiste Girard
Until next time...
Choose your words wisely.